Download , by Laurie Hernandez

Download , by Laurie Hernandez

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, by Laurie Hernandez

, by Laurie Hernandez

, by Laurie Hernandez

Download , by Laurie Hernandez

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, by Laurie Hernandez

Product details

File Size: 7534 KB

Print Length: 253 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0062677314

Publisher: HarperCollins; Reprint edition (January 24, 2017)

Publication Date: January 24, 2017

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English

ASIN: B01M653X0K



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#191,120 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I purchased this book for my little one, who also happens to be a gymnast. This book is so positive and inspiring for a little girl. There are excellent photos in this book and it also comes with a poster. Your child will enjoy the read as well.

This is a book all athletes (not just gymnasts) should read. It is positive and inspiring. I’m a coach who is going to pass this around to my gymnasts. My daughter is 10 a competitive gymnast and loved this book. She read it for an AR test at school. Pressed for timeand not feeling well, so bought audible version to go with it. Was her first experience with audible. It highlighted as she read it. I see that as a plus for learning new words. She would shut off narration to go faster and turn it on if she were tired. Now she wants more books on the iPad w/audible version...

Reading this book was a joy! Laurie's enthusiasm and love fields and her sport vault (and flip and spin) off the page. I literally could not put the book down. Well done!

Wonderful autobiography!!! Hard to believe Laurie is only 16. Her book is written and edited (by her) like a pro adult. I loved every page of this book and read it in a day. Don't hesitate to read it if you are a gymnast; ever was a gymnast or the parent of one or more. I had two in Olympic Training gymnastics and this book really brought back memories. Love you Laurie!!!!

Great book about how she got to the Olympics and everything she went through in the process! Quick read, but very interesting.

I bought this book for my 10 year old granddaughter who is doing gymnastic competitions. I loved it! Laurie talked about what she had to give up to do gymnastics and how hard she worked. She also talked about some of her failures. She was very positive and optimistic throughout the book. She talked about some of her "self talk", rituals she said and did before every competition to help her stay focused. One of my favorite stories was when she went to St. Louis and came in 21st place. She was so upset, but talked about how her mother celebrated her 21st place, which helped to ease the pain. She never gave up. My granddaughter went to St. Louis and did not do well in that competition, and so her mom read her that chapter to inspire her not to give up and keep working hard. I felt like young girls could identify with Laurie and could learn from her that you have to work hard and things don't always come easy. You have to let it go and move on. Great book!

I loved this book! It is an easy read and is a great insight into an amazing athlete's journey. The book is well bound and I love the fact that it is a hard cover. I read this in a day and half and would recommend it to anyone who appreciates sports in general.

First of all, thank you for writing this book..... I decided to do my book report, for school, on this book because it is so inspiring! This book made me inspired to never give up even when it is hard! I hope this book will inspire many more people to never ever give up on what they love.... Thank you !!! :) <3

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