PDF Download , by Susan Harper

PDF Download , by Susan Harper

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, by Susan Harper

, by Susan Harper

, by Susan Harper

PDF Download , by Susan Harper

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, by Susan Harper

Product details

File Size: 7517 KB

Print Length: 621 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Fairfield Publishing (November 16, 2018)

Publication Date: November 16, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#10,617 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The main characters, Kendall and Pauline, embark on a trip around the world, and find themselves knee-deep in murder mysteries in every setting. Of course, they beat the police in each place in solving the murders. Not very believable, but the stories are interesting, and the settings varied enough to be engaging.My major complaint about these books is a fairly common one in self-published books these days. It does not appear that anyone bothers to proofread the books before they go live. At first, I was annoyed by incomplete sentences, missing or extra words in otherwise complete sentences, and incorrect word usage. However, the write seems to have become even more sloppy with each book, and two very careless sore have jumped out in the later books. In one, she refers to the lawyer in To Kill a Mockngbird, calling him Abacus. Seriously? The character is Atticus Finch,and I find it unbelievable that a writer, of all people, would make that mistake. In the book that takes place in Dallea, two ranchers must move their cattle to higher ground to keep them safe from floods. However, in more than one place, the writer talks of moving the cattle to higher "planes.". Now, the visual image of ranchers shoving cows into huge airplanes is amusing, but how could anyone proofreading this story not know that the correct word is plains? As a consumer, it annoys me to spend money on books only to find them full of errors involving basic elementary writing conventions. It feels as if nobody cares about the quality of their work as much as the quantity of books they sell. And, it seems that writers are fine with having their names on books with so many errors in them. That is also very sad. I, for one, would not want that to be my legacy.

I am one of those who have to finish what I start, so I finished this book. I now have given myself permission to quit a book when it is so unbelievable and silly that there is no doubt it is a waste of time. Sorry

I really enjoyed these books. They were entertaining and kept me on my toes in a manner of speaking. I liked the way the girls solved the crimes. They did not do it to outshine the police they did it to help them. I was also glad that there was no romantic innuendos in the books. I would recommend these books to my friends for reading.

The main characters, Kendell and Pauline, are lively, engaging, and mismatched but work beautifully together in carefully crafted plots. The backgrounds are wonderfully designed to enhance the storyline while giving readers a great taste of the location, its people and culture. A marvelous cozy read!

Loved the story lines and character building. I abundantly appreciate stories without pornography. The characters were folks you would be glad to welcome into your home. Well done Susan!!! Keep 'em coming!!!!

here again is a busy body solving a crime, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

I enjoyed the teaming up with an old woman and taking trips around the world and everywhere they go there is a murder, and they are involved in it.

Light hearted reading, with a little twist of who done it.Good characters in the plot.Stories are short and easy reading

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