Free PDF , by Scarlett Haven

Free PDF , by Scarlett Haven

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, by Scarlett Haven

, by Scarlett Haven

, by Scarlett Haven

Free PDF , by Scarlett Haven

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, by Scarlett Haven

Product details

File Size: 2082 KB

Print Length: 249 pages

Publication Date: February 18, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#44,746 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I like that the author sticks true to Gracie's cultural background, and incorporates it into the story line to help build Gracie's character. I also enjoyed Alfie's character because it touches upon the effects of divorce on sibling relationships. I do however, wish the characters were a little more rebellious. For example, Kylie, I believe her character had a lot of depth.With that being sad, I found some parts a little drier than the others, and i found some parts slightly repetitive. Noah's "play boy" rep, the inevitable break-up, and the punching/smacking are probably the ones that stick out more. I also thought the mother's dilemma was slightly rushed. Perhaps in future books there will be a reason for it, but I wish there would have been a little more leading towards it and not just she figured it out during a surprise trip.Now, let's talk about X. This is my favorite part of the book, it's what kept me reading during the drier sections. X brings excitement to the book and the plot twist is intriguing. Honestly, I wish there was more plot and dialogue revolving around X. I think Yang was an interesting choice, but I'd like to understand why him? Maybe I missed that section? There are a few sections "Meanwhile" that offer insight into X's head which increases the curiosity.In all, it's a good read, light and easy. I almost quit reading it at one point, but I'm glad i didn't. It even made me laugh a little.

Twin sister moves back to CA from Korea in order to attend the final year of high school with her brother. Couple plot twists explain why she moved away, as well as follows the stalker that she has.

Gracie's mother has remarried and sent Gracie back to America to live with her father, twin brother Alfie and Stepmother Claire. Gracie is finding it difficult to adjust from the Korean culture she has become so accustomed to even with little things like bowing and saying Korean words. She is trying though and has made some new friends with her brother's friends - Jace, West, and Noah. Noah Pennington is the town's heartbreaker, and though Alfie has warned her sister away from him, it seems that Gracie has captured Noah's attention. It's all good though as Gracie has a head on her and won't break and bow down to Noah's commands. If he wants her, then he has to earn her love and woo her and prove to her she isn't another notch on his bedpost. If adjusting to American life wasn't hard enough, Gracie has attracted the attention of a stalker named X who wants her to go back to where she came from and more importantly stay away from Noah otherwise he will get hurt. A Girl Like Gracie ended up on a cliffhanger, of course, Noah being hurt in an accident. Has X achieved their goal and gotten Gracie to back off from Noah? Needing a new YA author to discover and love mysteries, the check out Scarlett Haven's Bayside Academy series. The other thing that I love about Scarlett Haven's books is that they are all quick YA reads.

It seems like the author is just taking what she knows about Korean (and Japanese and Chinese) culture and bullshitting her way through the book. If you’re fluent in Japanese, you definitely can read a bunch of tradition Chinese characters. In fact. The main character even specifically mentions Kanji, which is literally Chinese characters used in Japanese (as opposed to hiragana or katakana).Overall I found this to be fairly insulting to Asian culture, especially when main character keeps spiting how much she loved Korean culture and how proud she is of it.Lastly, Koreans aren’t the only ones to add a year to your age - Chinese culture does too (time in womb is counted so when you’re born you’re one).

Gracie was a pretty good book. I read this book originally when it was titled A Girl Like Gracie and it was a much shorter book. Gracie James has been living in Seoul, South Korea with her mother living in a small apartment. Her mother has sent her to live with her ex-husband, his new wife, and her twin brother Alfie. Both Alfie and Gracie are half Korean and half American but they look completely different. Gracie looks Korean like her mother and her twin brother has blond hair and blue eyes. They live in California and they live in a huge mansion since their father has lots of money. They go to Bayside Academy which is a private school where most of the students have money. One of the many students she meets is Noah Pennington. He's known for being a player but he does everything he can to be with Gracie. She keeps getting these horrible notes that are signed X and terrible things happen. She has a horrible stalker that has it against her.

This is a very suspenseful story. A girl just trying to make it in America since she has been living in Korea with her mom for years. I really identified with Gracie and her hardship. I can't wait to see what happens with X and how Gracie handles the new situation she finds herself in.

I read this book when it was split up into different novellas. I thought it was very well written. I truly enjoyed the suspense that was built upon from the time Gracie moves back to the States. I also enjoyed reading the relationship develop between Gracie and Alfie.

Story of reunited twins, with twists and turns. Kind of choppy writing which may be a way to illustrate the predominately Korean thinking of the heroine but is annoying. Most of the charactors aren't believable.

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